Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
JavaScript DHTML
1) Ajax Layer
2) Data Type
3) Date Time
4) Development
5) Document
6) Dojo Toolkit
7) Event
8) Event Onmethod
9) Ext JS
10) Form Control
11) GUI Components
12) HTML
13) Javascript Collections
14) Javascript Objects
15) Javascript Properties
16) Jquery
17) Language Basics
18) Mochkit
19) Mootools
20) Node Operation
21) Object Oriented
22) Page Components
23) Rico
24) Scriptaculous
25) Security
26) Smartclient
27) Style Layout
28) Table
29) Utilities
30) Window Browser
31) YUI Library
Language Basics
1) A Demonstration of a Nested Loop
2) A for Loop Used to Count from 0 to 99
3) A Function Can Be Set Up to Accept a Variable Number of Arguments
4) A Function Definition
5) A Function That Returns the Sum of Three Numbers (Stripped-Down Version)
6) A function with arguments, that returns a value
7) A function with only one statement
8) A Functions arguments and caller Properties
9) A Looping Array Lookup
10) A Random Ad Display Page
11) A Script in the Body
12) A Simple Parallel Array Lookup
13) A string array
14) A string array variable
15) A String Object Prototype
16) A While Loop That Decrements from 10 to 1
17) Accepting Either One or No Arguments
18) Add characters
19) Add Four Numbers from an HTML Form (and Display the Results)
20) Add two integer variables together
21) Adding a prototype Property
22) Adding a replace() Method to the String Object
23) An Array within an Array
24) An if else if else statement
25) An object and its constructor
26) Another switch Statement
27) Array - concat and slice
28) Array - properties and methods
29) Array - sort()
30) Array - splice
31) Array Concatenation
32) Array definition and iteration
33) Array filter and callback functions
34) Array loop, find
35) Array reverse() Method
36) Array sort() Possibilities
37) Array Utility functions
38) Array with a numeric parameter and assign data to it
39) Assing array value inside function
40) Automatic Conversion between Types
41) Boolean Object
42) Break out of a while loop
43) Call a javascript function with javascript
44) Call function in body onload event
45) Call your function
46) Calling a Function from an Event Handler
47) Calling a Generalizable Function
48) Capitalizing the First Letter in Each Word of a String
49) Case-Insensitive Comparison for the Array Sort Method
50) Catch that error
51) Character Conversions
52) Check the function parameters
53) Check the loop counter
54) Check the loop counter for while loop
55) Combine do-while loop and prompt dialog to read user input
56) Compare int value
57) Compare string and alert in dialog
58) Compare string value in if statement
59) Complete Example of Using the employee, client, and project Objects
60) Complex class to represent complex numbers
61) Concatenate integer variable to a string variable
62) Concatenate JavaScript String
63) Concatenate two string variables together
64) Concatenating Variables and Displaying the Value Contained
65) Continue in while loop
66) Continue with condition
67) Continue with even numbers
68) Continue with odd numbers
69) Control the loop step
70) Conversion of Logical Values to Numeric Values
71) Converting a Number to a String
72) Converting Base 10 to Base 16 Using Bitwise Operators
73) Converting Strings to Upper Case
74) Counting the Words in a Text String
75) Create an object and add attributes
76) Creating a Custom toString() Method
77) Creating a Function That Will Search and Replace in Strings
78) Creating an Object and Using Object Instance Properties and Methods
79) Creating Number Objects Rather than Performing String-to-Number Conversions
80) Creating Objects Dynamically
81) Custom Numeric Comparison for the Array Sort Method
82) Date Object Calculations
83) Decimal to 2 Hex
84) Declare for loop counter
85) Declaring a Function in the head Block
86) Deeply Nested if else Constructions
87) Define a function to accept the string value
88) Define and use object
89) Define function in JavaScript
90) Define Object, use its instance
91) Define variables, assign values and output
92) Defining Special Characters as Variables for Later Use
93) Delete operator on Object
94) Demo all methods in Array
95) Demo all String methods
96) Determining Whether Lowercase or Uppercase Strings Are More Equal Using an If Statement
97) Display the properties from an object one by one
98) Displaying a String Containing Escaped Quotations
99) Displaying the Contents of an Array
100) Dividing by Zero
101) Do while loop
102) Do while loop and output calculation result
103) Drawing a Christmas Tree Using Nested For Loops
104) Dynamic array
105) Event Handler with Multiple Statements in Attribute Value
106) Example for If Else statement
107) Examples of Increment and Decrement Operators
108) Exception handling with trycatch
109) Explicit Conversion Functions
110) Extending the Length of an Array
111) Factorials
112) Find the random number in a range
113) For loop
114) For loop for lines
115) For loop with alert dialog
116) Format a number
117) Format a number 2
118) Funciton with arguments
119) Function is Object
120) Function that returns a value
121) Function That Wraps Document Write, Adding a Line Break
122) Functions That Return Values Can Be Used in Expressions
123) Get the type of a variable
124) Global and Local Variable Scope Demonstration
125) Global scope and page scope
126) Global Versus Local Scope of a Variable
127) Hiding Scripts from Most Old Browsers
128) If statement
129) If then else if
130) Invoking third argument as function
131) Is your input a Yes
132) Iterating Through a Sparse Array
133) JavaScript compound divide assignment
134) JavaScript compound multiply assignment
135) JavaScript compound plus assignment
136) JavaScript compound subtraction assignment
137) JavaScript Loan Calculator
138) Lab for string replace() and string search()
139) Labeled Statements
140) Loop in while
141) Math Random number
142) Methods and Properties of the Array Object
143) Methods and Properties of the String Object
144) Modular operation (remainder in division)
145) Multiply two integer variables together
146) Nested function call
147) Nested Indented Conditional statements
148) Nested if statement, logic operator and regular expression
149) Nested if Statements
150) Number Calculation
151) Object to array
152) Object utility
153) Object-Oriented Planetary Data Presentation
154) Operator Precedence and Different Data Types
155) Operators and Expressions
156) Pass string value in and return string value out
157) Pass variables to a function, and use these variable values in the function
158) Passing by Reference Versus Passing by Value
159) Passing the Form Object as a Parameter
160) Plain for loop
161) Playing with Strings
162) Postfix adding
163) Postfix operator for integer
164) Postfix subtraction
165) Prefix operator for integer
166) Prefix plus
167) Prefix subtraction
168) Pushing, Popping, and Displaying the Contents of a Stack
169) Queue based on array
170) Random link
171) Random number from 0 to 10
172) Random URL
173) Reading a Portion of a String
174) Reading and Writing Array Elements
175) Reference an Array by index
176) Return an incremented value
177) Reversing a String
178) Reversing, Sorting, and Concatenating an Array
179) Save returned value from a function to a variable
180) Scripts in the Head
181) Scripts in the Head and Body
182) Search string value in an array
183) SetTimeout() with a pointer to a function
184) Show Arguments
185) Simple Array Demo
186) Simple Stack Example
187) Simplest function
188) Slicing a String
189) Source Code for a Sample Page That Formats a String Object with the a Tag
190) Source Code for Our String-Formatting Script
191) Source Code for the showBook() Example
192) String encode and decode
193) String encoder
194) String fontcolor()
195) String indexOf()
196) String length
197) String match()
198) String substr() and substring()
199) String toLowerCase() and toUpperCase()
200) String toUpperCase
201) String utility
202) String Validation
203) String value is passed by value, while the array is passed by reference
204) Strip Commas
205) Styles of JavaScript Comments
206) Subtract one integer variable from another integer variable
207) Switch based on integer value
208) Switch statement
209) Switch with string value
210) Tenary operator
211) Ternary operator
212) Testing value in range
213) Text Range Search and Replace (IE only)
214) The Book Object Definition
215) The break Statement
216) The continue Statement
217) The do while Statement Ensures at Least One Iteration
218) The Effects of Local and Global Variables
219) The else Block Responds to a false Value
220) The switch Construction in Action
221) The switch Statement
222) The while Statement
223) Throw that error
224) Throws error in case of invalid data
225) Trimming a String Using Regular Expressions
226) Two Scripts in the Body
227) Two-Dimensional Array Work Around
228) Unique Random Numbers
229) Unique Random Sets
230) URL Array
231) Use do-while loop and prompt dialog to restrict user input
232) Use for in loop to display all attributes from an object
233) Use for in loop to go through an array
234) Use for loop to display elements in an array
235) Use for loop to fill an array
236) Use function as the object constructor
237) Use if statement to check the value range
238) Use of Global and Local Variables
239) Use of the for Statement
240) Use switch with true false value
241) Using a DoWhile Loop to Reverse a Text String
242) Using a for in Loop in JavaScript
243) Using a for Loop to Reverse a String
244) Using an Argument with a JavaScript Function
245) Using Floating-Point Numbers
246) Using Functions to Iterate Through an Array
247) Using JavaScript Arrays
248) Using JavaScript Comment Tags
249) Using JavaScript Comments
250) Using JavaScript Integers
251) Using Quotes within Strings
252) Using Special Characters in JavaScript
253) Using Special Formatting Characters
254) Using the Array join() Method
255) Using the Book Object Constructor
256) Using the const Keyword
257) Using the continue and break Statements
258) Using the Equal Operator
259) Using the Function Object
260) Using the indexOf() Method to Find All Occurrences of the Letter e in a Sentence
261) Using the label Statement
262) Using the Methods of the Array object
263) Using the String Object
264) Using the String Objects Link Method
265) Using the while Loop in JavaScript
266) Using the with Statement in JavaScript
267) Using toString() with Radix Values
268) Variable scope
269) Variable Scope Workbench Page
270) Variable scoping
271) While loop
272) While loop test
273) With statement
274) Working with the Increment Operator